Joe Pieri
Joe Pieri I been involved in the paranormal research since 1986, with plenty of paranormal experiences throughout the years. I own a paranormal / spiritualist store in Depew New York just outside of Buffalo called Paranormal Oddities. We stock everything from paranormal equipment, metaphysical supplies, spiritual supplies, voodoo - hoodoo and so much more. I run two paranormal show. The first is called Paranormal Crossroads that specialize in live and interactive paranormal broadcasting which offers people at home a chance to investigate live. The second is a live sit down show called ParaBlues. A show that allows us to chat on any topic live from my store Paranormal Oddities. I been broadcasting live for over ten years in and around New York State at haunted locations. Our show platform gives the viewers the opportunity to witness activity firsthand by having only one investigator behind the camera, “First In-Last Out”. I guess you can say it’s more than a hobby to me, it’s a way of life...