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Nadine Lalich      


Nadine entered the field of Ufology in 2004, to investigate a traumatic event that had occurred on June 15, 1991. While camping in a remote forest in Arizona, she was abducted in a fully conscious state from her vehicle by what appeared to be non-human entities or alien beings. The contacts with extraterrestrials continued with regularity for many years, eventually involving human military.

A retired paralegal, Nadine has been an avid researcher of subjects related to psychology and spiritual development. Her fascination for the human mind and the nature of consciousness led her to the practice of meditation and to explore sound and light brainwave entrainment. A vegetarian and natural health advocate, Nadine has studied nutrition and alternative medicine for many years, focusing on the healing properties of medicinal herbs, vitamins and light therapy. Trained as a Science of Mind practitioner, her interest in quantum physics, the nature of reality and manifestation brought diversity to her studies, fostering a unique perspective that has proven useful in exploring contact experiences.

Nadine has written two books on the subject extraterrestrial contact: Evolution - Coming to Terms with the ET Presence and Alien Experiences - 25 Cases of Close Encounter (co-authored by psychotherapist Barbara Lamb). She is also the author and illustrator of the children’s book, Finding Happiness: A Magical Tale about the Power of Positive Thinking.

Nadine appeared in the New Paradigm Films’ documentary, The Day before Disclosure, Discovery Channel’s television program, Best Evidence, Alien Abduction, and Discovery Health Channel’s television program, Alternatives to Healing. She has been a guest on numerous radio shows, a featured speaker for MUFON chapters, the Los Angeles Paranormal Society, and UFO Con. Her articles appear regularly in JAR Magazine Journal of Abduction Research. Her website www.AlienExperiences.com features a variety of subjects related to Ufology, science and technology, health, conservation and spiritual development.



It was late on the evening of June 15, 1991, when Nadine and her friend, Pamela, pulled into the empty lot of Banjo Bill Park in Sedona, Arizona. After the long drive from California, they planned to sleep in the van and then head into town the next day. Sometime after midnight, Nadine awoke to the sound of people outside walking around the vehicle. Alarmed, she quickly sat up, and a moment later, the rear door of the vehicle opened lighting up the interior. Reaching toward her was a thin grey arm and a hand with only three fingers! The terrifying experience would be the first of many to come, but it would take thirteen more years before she would find the courage to speak about it. When she did, an unexpected shift occurred: the experiences began to include a military presence.This book chronicles Nadine's experiences during her lifetime involving a variety of non-human life forms, some of which appear to be physical and others potentially interdimensional. Included are descriptions of ten different ET species, their behavior, and possible intentions. Over a dozen alien and military technologies are presented, along with descriptions of crafts, underground and underwater bases, medical and psychological testing and procedure. The book includes 50 illustrations and photos. Until I took the time to investigate, I never knew there were thousands of other people having experiences similar to mine. Hundreds of dedicated investigators have been researching for years, and a vast amount of verifiable evidence has accumulated that I knew nothing about. In 2004, after 13 years of secrecy, I began to talk about my experiences, a difficult decision considering the negative connotations and disinformation associated with the subject. Once I accepted the fact that we are not alone in the universe, a dramatic shift occurred in my consciousness and spirituality, and I developed a profound sense of purpose. My compassion and commitment to the earth and all living beings became fiercely ignited, along with the desire to see an end to the political and military chains that stop humanity's progress. With this book, I have fearlessly shared my experiences. In doing so, I am stepping to the front line of disclosure, committed to doing all that I can to support the evolution of human consciousness which will allow us to become cosmic citizens. That, I believe, is our destiny.

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Date: August 17, 2021


Date: July 2, 2020


