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Tom Conwell  


UFOlogist, Tom Conwell, has been an Electronic Technician with the US Navy and Honeywell, Inc. for 42 years, a Honeywell Temperature Control, Fire Alarm and Security Software Specialist, Biomedical Engineer, is Fire Alarm Level II Certified, a Metrologist and HVAC Engineering resource. Tom has wide-ranging expertise with a keen awareness of physics, computer and internet software and a broad knowledge of electronics and how it intersects with the paranormal world and ufos.

Tom studies databases as a Forensic Pattern Researcher. Over the past three years, Tom has written three volumes of a book series (They Are Here, Volume 1, 2 & 3), self- published a collection of blogs (Going Interstellar?), has studied and researched UFO sighting reports from the US East Coast, the Central US, and the Western US and given speeches about each of these subjects. Tom has assembled a map of UFO sightings which has revealed many anomalies and is now an integral part of his research studies. Tom's next book will be about what UFO sightings reveal about their technologies and should be completed by May of 2019.



A pinned map for UFO sightings in the US was assembled and when it was reviewed, there were nearly fifty areas of the western US that had quantities of UFO sightings that made no sense. This book is a description of each of those areas, whether they are unusual in any regard and why there may be concentrations there. This needed to be done after a review of this map. There were simply too many areas that made no sense. How do power plants contribute to this? Are messages from abductees via the extraterrestrials relevant to any of these perceived problems? Where are the sightings on the map and are they indicative of anything? Volume 3 is here, we can experience this together!

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I will never read a book about a collection of stories, blogs, accounts, or anything else. It just doesn't interest me. That kept me from ever writing this book. It wasn't until my blog collection was sorted, arranged, and directed into a story form that I relented. I finally realized what was right in front of me. If I were an extraterrestrial civilization visiting other planets, I would need to do certain things to accomplish this. For us to do the same, we need to solve a myriad of problems. This is a discussion of those problems, how we might solve them, and in most cases why we haven't solved them yet.

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Date: March 9, 2021


Date: July 3, 2018


Date: December 8, 2017
