Caroline Bell Tumblety

For as long as I can remember I have had a vision of healing, teaching, community. Where the truth is valued, and learning encouraged. A place where we can go for mind, body and spirit, Bounce ideas of each other support and uplift. A place to be refreshed, re-energized and revitalized. I began a journey a search for meaning there had to be more.
In 1986, I started that journey becoming certified in Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy. In my small office in the Catskill Mountains I began to notice from clients who wanted to have a past life regression session that life was stacked; One life began another ended and another being lived. Multiple life's all happening at once.
For a short time, I hosted a cable TV show in Woodstock NY with a friend where we interviewed guests, reviewed books and worked on dream analyses. Not have found my way to KCOR to host my own show, “Navigating the Truth”.
My journey has long and has involved places such as Sweat lodges, Moon lodges, Weed walks, Fire walks, Obstacle courses, Life Food Nutrition, Whole Brain Functioning, Body work, Kundalini Yoga, All kinds of yoga, Meditation, Chants, Reiki Master Certification, Tarot cards, Medicine cards, Mystical teachings , Enochain Angelic Initiations, Ra-Sheeba Master certification and more.
I have lived in the USA for twenty-nine years, however today I am now back living in Scotland the home of my birth this time around. My hope is to open a center here. Scotland like anywhere else in this world has written history full of lies and deceit. Misleading its people and having them believe in a confused past but that is another story.