Aage Nost

Aage was born on a farm in Norway and by the time he was a teenager was working as well as managing the farm. During that time he learned hypnosis from a local magician as well as graduated from agricultural college. He also spent one year in mandatory military service driving a battle tank.
By the age of twenty-five he learned several languages and studied science including metaphysics as well as different forms of theories on spirituality. To further his knowledge and experiences he left for Greeley, Colorado in the United States to attend flight school at Emery School of Aviation.
During that time he obtained an array of certificates and licenses including working as an air taxi operator for over three years. In 1975, along with a partner, he started Arrowhead Airways, Inc, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, his very own flight school; which grew to an International Air Taxi operation and scheduled air carrier. From teaching to flying everything from piston to jet aircraft Aage has logged more than 10,000 hours of flight time including over 1,000 hours of teaching areal aerobatics.
After selling his shares in Arrowhead Airways he became involved an a number of projects including a course he taught on Subliminal Dynamics which is now called ZOXPro.com. This course teaches you to assimilate information from a book at the rate of 50,000 or more words per minute, perfect memory, creative visualization for healing and manifestation as well as an array of other things missing from regular school systems.
Aage, created and operated the “Freedom Civil Rights Investigation Service”, wrote and published “The Constitutional Liberator”, “Truth behind the Truth”, as well as “Banner” which dealt with medical cures that work in addition to an array of other topics the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know about. He also co-wrote, “Alien Encounters in America’s Midwest”, with Patricia Ress.
Starting in 1999 he began hosting a radio show on KTKT which dealt with Holistic Health Care. From there he progressed to hosting as well as producing “The Hidden Truths”, which covered an array of topics from UFOs, government cover-ups as well as many other out-of-the-box thinking issues. He also hosted a TV news show called “Access News” which featured politically incorrect news as well as news no one else was talking about.
In 2000, he took a more hands on approach with KRVL, helping to manage as well as grow this very popular talk radio station. Because of the uniqueness of the station and its topics a film documentary was created title “Making Waves”. This was present at the International Film Festival and highlight all the staff that made KRVL happen behind the scenes.
Aage, has been featured in multiple international newspapers, TV and radio including a documentary called, “Time Trip” that was released for TV on the BBC in July of 2003.
Aage, has been featured in multiple international newspapers, TV and radio including a documentary called, “Time Trip” that was released for TV in July of 2003.
He has a number of books from, “Spiritual Science, Higher Consciousness Thinking and How to Access the Universal Consciousness” as well as, “Universal Success Principles and How Billionaires Think”. He just released a video documentary under the brand Fastwalkers Open Files, Vol. 6, featuring UFO, Alien presence, Universal Consciousness, The real Power of the Mind, and other things we are not supposed to know about.