Aleksey Zajats
Aleksey Zajats is an ET Experiencer, MK-Ultra, Monarch, SSP, and Galactic Space Program. He is a targeted individual even through multi- dimensional.
In 2016 Aleksey Zajats had a massive spiritual awakening with OBE by flying outside of our Universel Matrix. Flying thru three different Galactic centers. The space program was constantly coming as synchronicity in the reality of the awakened and dream state.
Connecting to beings like Angelics, Arcturians, Pleiadians, Agarthans, Carian(Avians), Greys, Praymantis, Reptilians, Ant-beings, Sirians, Lyrans, Dracos, and Galactic Federation.
Thru Downloads, Telepathy, Astral, and hypnotherapy came the understanding of the part in Human SSP with a multiple "20 and back" for a total of 120 years. Reaching the rank of Lieutenant+ and currently serving in Alliance as Captain.
He serves in Monarch's private military branch, Infiltrated the Human and E.T Kabal/Luciferian Dumbs. Experience with BlackGoo Nanobots and targeting Inversion grids (aka "the Veil") that was put up by Luciferians.
He has been targeted thru parallel reality/timeline by Multiple A.I systems (Human and E.Ts) and has been trigger with the suicidal programming stored in the subconscious. He has had multiple attempts on hijacking the physical vessel. He’s had heavy frequency weapon targeting to his heart and has had multiple cars trying to hit him.