Alphedia Arara
Alphedia Arara is an author, spiritual channel and Earth wisdom keeper. She offers spiritual guidance, channellings, workshops, retreats and transmissions from many beings of light in the many realms and dimensions. She’s an international facilitator and people from all around the world take part in her courses distantly.
During time of her spiritual awakening she was recovering from a serious illness that leA her unable to move for over a year and a half. It was during this period she became profoundly clairaudient and started to hear angels, elementals and other light beings.
Part of Alphedia’s mission is to assist in bridging the communication gap between the elemental, devic, nature spirits, animal, angelic, crystal, goddess, ascended master and star being galactic realms. She is a telepath and clairaudient meaning she can hear beings in other realms and helps people to communicate and open up their sixth sense to get messages from these beautiful light beings as well as wisdom to assist the planet at this time.
Alphedia founded Elemental Beings, a mind, body and spirit business in 2007 after guidance from Archangel Metatron that she was to write a book on environmental messages from the elementals - 'Messages from Natures Guardians' and her second book was 'Ascending with Unicorns'.