Barry Fitzgerald

Irish born author and researcher Barry Fitzgerald is a proficient master in the world of the strange and supernatural in his own right. With his longstanding expertise and extensive knowledge into not only the field of the paranormal, for which he is probably best known, but he is also globally recognized for his pervasive and at times obsessive search into ancient mysteries and phenomena. His 30+ years of quiet but passionate dedication have sent him traversing around the globe tracking certain phenomena that may have a positive influence in our lives or, may equally have some devastating consequences.
The author of more than 10 books, Barry brings his global experiences to their pages along with guidance for his readers as he defines how to approach the supernatural safely. He shares some of his wisdom in his publications to illustrate that we, like any animal when on the hunt, should always know by instinct when to choose our fights and when we should walk away and most importantly, what to do when it goes wrong.
In 2016 and 2017 he was recognized for his extensive work in the paranormal field and kindly received awards for the ‘paranormal TV personality of 2016′ and ‘Best paranormal researcher 2017’ from PSW based in the Netherlands.
He appeared on all 56 episodes of the top rating NBC owned SyFy network show Ghost Hunters International, traveling the entire planet chasing the quandary of paranormal and supernatural phenomena.
Lately, a challenging new line of research has taken him into the darker areas of our myths, legends, and folklore. This path sees him ushered into the shadowy depths of a murky underworld, not just in Ireland but around the globe, exposing a common thread that joins the phenomena he has spent a lifetime hunting.
Discovering a line of secret knowledge hidden within tombs, he has uncovered a global network of sacred places that could expose the true gods behind the veil, gods that will do anything to keep their meddling in human affairs hidden.
He shares some of his discoveries and insights openly on YouTube through his short documentaries. Among the titles are ‘The Serpent Mounds’, ‘Dark Identity’, ‘Poltergeist’, ‘The Shining Ones’, ‘The Space Brothers Deception’, and many more.