Bobby Osterhoudt 
The Paranormal was an idea that I probably never would have considered had not the life changing events that took place back in 2003 when I lost my son Joshua to a car wreck.
I served my country as an Infantry Tank destroyer with the 1/26th Infantry on the Iron curtain (East German and Czechoslovakian borders). When I got back to the States, I settled down and started a family and became a NYS Correctional Officer in 1981. Through my 35.5 year career, I worked the ‘Special housing unit” for 16 years and transportation for around 15 years. I also studied theology for about 18 years and had been very active in our local church.
Nothing would have prepared me for what happened on the morning February 23rd 2003. Early that morning, I was called to the hospital to pick up my daughter Sarah after she was involved in a car wreck. She had her ankle sprained and I was thankful is wasn’t worse. We got home around 530 am. About an hour later I got a call that something bad has happened. Didn’t know what that was about so I called the hospital to find out if any other of my kids were there. They said no. Then, as I was getting into bed, the phone called and it was the State police telling me I needed to identify my son in another hospital about an hour away. Needless to say, this was any parents worse nightmare. I lost my son Joshua, who was a twin, to a bad car wreck.
The next day my soon to be wife Kathy called from school for me to come pick her up . She wasn’t able to work and was very worried about me. So as I was driving to get her, my son Joshua, who had just passed ,decided to let me know that he was OK. In the truck, driving down the road, the loud voice of my son was right behind me , assuring me that he WAS OK.
At that very instant, everything I’ve ever believed and thought to be true religiously, went out the window. There had to be more to this “life after death” thing and I needed to find out what this was all about! Fear was never an option simply because having worked with the worse society had to offer, a “ghost” was not going to scare me at all however, Ive been startled a few times.
I started reading books. Mostly coming from a scientific point of view, i read books by Loyd Auerbach ( who eventually would be my professor ) , William Roll, and others in the field of Parapsychology. Sure I had the books but never really knew the ins and outs of paranormal investigations. SO, I turned to the different TV shows and tried to follow their techniques and tried to apply them in my attempts at investigating. Although Ive experienced many things in the field, I never was able to really UNDERSTAND what I have experienced. I did the best I could with what little knowledge I had, and tried to help people who were confused, scared or just wanting themselves to understand what they were experiencing.
After retirement from Corrections and moving to Florida, I decided to go back to school and took a course offered by the Rhine Education Center called “Apparitions, Hauntings and Poltergeists “ taught by Professor Loyd Auerbach! Now I have the tools and certification to properly conduct an investigation and can hopefully determine what type of activity is being presented and also possible remedies to most paranormal situations. I have a list of tested /certified Psychics and Parapsychologists available to assist me in any investigation that I would require help in solving. I am listed in the Office of Parapsychological Investigations office at the Rhine as a certified investigator for the central Florida area.