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Dan Perkins    


It would be easy to put Dan Perkins into a category: Author; Commentator; Speaker; TV/Radio Personality; Veteran, but to do so would limit this multi-faceted person. In essence, Dan Perkins is all of these and more.

Dan has been married to his wife Gerri for 50 years. They have four sons and four grandchildren. While managing a successful money management business for 45 years, serving as a veteran and starting a non-profit (Songs and Stories for Soldiers), Dan and Gerri decided to spend their winters in Florida.

In 2012, while relaxing on Sanibel Island, FL, Dan decided to take a writing class at the Big Arts Center to help fill his vacation hours. He did not envision himself as a writer, and certainly not an author. The first night of class, the instructor told the class, “In two weeks you will know if you can be a writer.” He laughingly thought that if nothing else, he could go back to his golf game—it needed work!

After the first class and one night at the keyboard, Dan came back with 1,000 words, a title, story line and even some of the main characters. He had already formalized the ending. And as they say, “the rest is history.”

Five and a half years ago, Dan learned something important about himself. Writing was a gift and it came naturally to him. He has published three books in his first series, The Brotherhood of the Red Nile; recently completed his fourth novel, Ted Baker, In Terrorist Gold; completed three children’s book, and is working on his next novel, Abraham Lincoln’s Second Assassination. His mind continually envisions story lines and plots, twists and turns and ways to keep his stories alive and his readers coming back for more. He learned, he is indeed, a writer.

From books to commentaries, Dan will be the first to say, that writing becomes part of who you are; it completes a person. He writes commentaries, opinion pieces, kid’s books, newspaper articles on various topics and content for radio and TV programs. He writes.

For many years, Dan’s financial money management business provided a reason to keep himself entrenched in politics and current events: It made sense to know what was happening. But he realized that his interest in the political world was much greater than just the financial portion. It became a passion for him, eventually leading him to his first book series.

In between writing books, he developed a keen nose for what is real news and what is not. He soon came to the realization that not all news being reported is 1, Factual; 2, Unbiased; and 3, Comprehensible.

So he began a quest to provide a way for people to understand what is being written “between the lines.” He wants people to understand that much of our news is swept under the rug or deemed unnecessary for the average citizen. It has become a way for Big Business and Government to control what we read, hear and understand.

By partnering with such reputable publications as NewsMax.com, Lifezeet.com, DailyCaller.com, TheHill.com, Reganbaby.com, the dailysurge.com and many others, he sheds light on what is actually truth in journalism, not what has been whitewashed for all those being brainwashed to understand. He puts forth his business experience and challenges his readers to open their minds to new insight and ways of taking a closer look at our world.

Sitting at a computer screen and writing words is much different than standing in front of a room of people or talking into a microphone that reaches thousands of listeners. A writer is almost invisible. But TV, live audiences, radio programs, these are real people, with ideologies and thoughts of their own.

While spending many years meeting one-on-one, Dan had to learn how to master new kinds of interaction: Storytelling; debating; interviewing. He has learned to discuss current topics that are sometimes not politically correct and often times, uncomfortable.

Yet this expansion into a new area brought greater material for his writing. He researches. He interviews others. He has become a local authority on radio. He has become a stronger writer because of it.

He is part of several a weekly syndicated radio shows, that can be heard on iHeart radio and on Let’s Just Talk (radio and TV). He is on Bill Martinez Live, American Heroes Network and many other personal interviews, all of which can be found on this web site.



In a small village near the town of Al-Mukharram in western Syria, the council of the Brotherhood of the Red Nile met for the first time to discuss their plan of a nuclear attack on the United States. Washington DC: Frank Williams the Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Terrorist Activity speaks to his people. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are here today because of a real threat, that if successful, could bring down America. I know that we are all concerned about threats to the safety and security of the United States, but based on what we have been able to pick up in Internet traffic, a new al-Qaeda-type terrorist group is being formed somewhere in Syria, dramatically different from al-Qaeda. Intelligence operatives around the world scramble to stop the Brotherhood. But will they be able to find the bombs in time? From the halls of the White House to the rebel camps of the Middle East, The trilogy of The Brotherhood of the Red Nile delivers a chilling, thrill ride adventure of modern-age danger and heroism so realistic you are not sure if it is fact or fiction.

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This is the final book of the Brotherhood Trilogy, but not the end of your relationship with the principal plays. The journey we have taken has been full of twists and turns, surprises, and almost believable events. Many of you have written to me about your experiences with the first two installments. Be warned -- you will find a different tone in this final book, “America Responds”.

People who have read the third book of the series earlier wondered if it were possible to publish it before the 2014 mid-term election? I wrote all three books to try and educate America about the serious challenges in fighting terrorists. Book three uses fiction to convey some significant ways to prevent a cataclysmic attack, make America strong again, protect our borders and most of all, make us all proud to be Americans.

Dan Perkins has finished his first trilogy in what some say was an almost impossible timeframe. His books have left some people’s questions unanswered and Dan hopes to answer those outstanding questions and perhaps raise some new ones in book three. In the future, he would like to also try his hand at writing historical fiction, with Abraham Lincoln as the subject. For now though, Dan is working on his current project in a new book called “Terrorist Gold”, featuring favorite characters from the Trilogy, Ted Baker and the Pathfinders. You will have an opportunity, as in his previous books, to read the first chapter of “Terrorist Gold” at the end of this book. Dan is very appreciative of your feedback and encourages you to return to your place of purchase and write a review.

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Date: April 8, 2021






Date: March 4, 2021


Date: August 13, 2020


Date: April 16, 2020
