Darius J. Wright

Darius has been ‘awake’ to the nature of reality since he was a small child. Growing up seeing, feeling, knowing and experiencing things others around him didn’t. Darius learned to channel his energy into his physical body, helping him ground, calm & centre himself energetically to gain access to the other realms. Over the years he studied and practiced a variety of disciplines related to the physical training, Arts & health. Alongside his physical development and training he continued to explore and challenge himself in the metaphysical realms. At the young age of just 16 Darius was taken during sleep outside this construct by a being who identified themselves as Celeste. Celeste showed him not just his future but the future of this reality and many of us in it. Darius has had numerous Out of Body experiences over the years and explored various realms and met a variety of beings who have shared insights and information with him. He now has dedicated his time here to teaching people & doing what "they" call the GREAT WORK, which is waking people up to the other side.