Dave Emmons 
Dave spent a few years the early part of his life at a top secret nuclear weapons training facility. He volunteered to serve in Vietnam and became a Platoon Sergeant. At the end of his duty he was honorable discharged and offered an Officer Commission.
After leaving the service, Dave spend many years in radio at FM and AM stations voicing ads as well as lending his talent to training films. He’s worked as an electrician Con Argra, was a Field Coordinator for Phillips X-Ray Corp as well as worked as a Small business Manager for multiple businesses. Over his 70 year life span he has also owned his own restaurant and night club as well as played drums and guitar in a family band.
As a Contactee/Experiencer he had his first UFO sighting at fourteen with a friend. This object had the appearance of an old toy top with windows. It was during this young age he found an implant in his left testicular area that looked like a small Ibuprofen pill. This contact allowed him to have several vivid dreams permitting him to predict events coming up via his third eye.
In 1996 the contact continued as he got his first glimpse of a small grey standing by his bedside. These experiences continued into 2001 as he saw a silver, slow-moving, glider-looking craft that was all stainless steel in appearance. The object had no cockpit, no sound, just one tail wing, and was flying in restricted Refinery airspace. The object flew by almost in slow motion before moving west and then finally traveling south.
After that he was gifted with visions, and in 2010 become miraculously healed from bronchitis after receiving an electrical shock on his right index finger. Shortly after that in the same year he met and communicated with a very strange young lady who was Japanese. In retro spec he believe this was a hybrid in training looking for emotional characteristics. Finally, on March 17, 2011, the lady who he refers to as Hiroko Maeda, visited his house in Godfrey, Illinois along with two young Japanese men. He felt that this encounter had the intent to dumb down his cousin as well as himself.
In April of 2011 he, along with his mother and two brothers, saw a large triangle craft that traveled directly overhead. The object was enormously close allowing for him to see the intricate designs built into the underside of the craft Also, that same year during the summer, he observed a disc craft fly right overhead on highway 55 South. This objected looked to have pie cuts with white lights transparent on the bottom of craft along with a much darker circular center.
These sightings continued into 2012 as a bright white lighted, elongated craft, was spotted and again flew over his car. The luminosity of the craft was so bright it was hard to make out any specific details. In fact, there was a strange magnetic energy that pulsed from this object which for some reason made him feel extremely weak. Also in that same year he started to receive little token like disks in strange places and continued from Illinois to Alaska. He has a detailed ledge of 250+ pages documenting these events.
Dave is also the host of The Strange Truth here on KCOR Radio Thursday nights at 8 PM Pacific | 11 PM Eastern. Check out his show page by CLICKING HERE.