Derek P. Gilbert

Derek P. Gilbert hosts SkyWatchTV and co-hosts the weekly video programs SciFriday and Unraveling Revelation with his wife, author and analyst Sharon K. Gilbert. He’s been interviewing guests for his podcast, A View from the Bunker, since 2009.
Derek is a Christian, a husband and father, and the author of the groundbreaking books Bad Moon Rising, an analysis of the spiritual forces behind Islam, The Great Inception, and Last Clash of the Titans.
He’s also the co-author with Sharon K. Gilbert of Veneration, a book on the pagan cult of the dead on ancient Israel that reveals hidden prophecies of the return of the evil dead at Armageddon, and with Josh Peck of The Day the Earth Stands Still, which documents the occult origins of “ancient aliens.”
Derek is a popular speaker at churches and conferences in recent years on topics such as Dominion theology, Transhumanism, and his mind-blowing research connecting the ancient Canaanites to the Nephilim, the Watchers of the Bible, and the old gods of the Greek pantheon, the Titans.
Derek is a lifelong fan of the Chicago Cubs, prefers glasses to contacts, and he’s been known to sing the high part in barbershop and gospel quartets.