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Dr. Angela Thompson Smith    


Dr. Angela Thompson Smith was born in Bristol, England (Angela Powell) and attended school there until 1962 when her family relocated to Dorset. Her primary qualifications were in nursing and social work and she worked as a registered nurse and social worker in the UK. Her initial qualifications were achieved at Poole General Hospital in Dorset, England and at Ruskin College, University of Oxford, England. She gained her B.S. in Psychology at the University of Wales, in Cardiff, an M.S. at the Faculty of Medicine of Manchester University, England and later, in the U.S., her Ph.D. in Psychology at Saybrook University, CA.

In the U.S., Dr. Smith has worked as a medical researcher, research coordinator, an instructor for the University of Nevada, and has worked extensively as a research contractor for individuals, businesses, and organizations around the United States and abroad. She trained as a remote viewer with two of the ex-military remote viewers, Paul Smith and Lyn Buchanan, and was a founding member and director of the International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA). Dr. Smith has trained hundreds of individuals in remote viewing and other disciplines, as well as being a published author and researcher.

My aunt once gave me some writing advice - "Write about what you know". This was good advice and my books have covered anomalous topics, history, biography and travel.


Tactical Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing was developed as both a scientific research protocol and applications tool. Remote Viewing is a trained mental ability that can access information using "something" other than the known senses. Tactical Remote Viewing documents the taking of remote viewing from research and training programs into practical applications. From 2003 to 2012 an innovative NY businessman contracted with the author and over nine years they worked together on real-life projects both for his business and his personal interests. The projects documented in Tactical Remote Viewing covered everything from business development, scientific and historic enigmas, longevity research, and even into off-world space exploration, pushing the envelope of remote viewing.

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SEER is one woman's journey through the fascinating world of remote viewing! Over forty years of professional research and development have gone into the study and development of remote viewing (RV), and, the US government and the military funded and operated remote viewing units for over twenty years. Educational groups such as Stanford Research Institute and Princeton University also studied RV for over three decades. Now dozens of remote viewing schools around the US and abroad have trained thousands in remote viewing protocols. Remote Viewing is alive and kicking!

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Date: May 1, 2020




