Dr. Heather Leigh
Heather Leigh started her journey in the paranormal field as a teenager after multiple interactions with her grandfather who passed away many years prior. Throughout the years following, she has researched and traveled to locations in order to learn more about the history and paranormal claims. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Metaphysical Humanistic Science, specializing in Paranormal Science. She is a Certified Paranormal Investigator (CPI) and Certified EVP Technician (CET). Her goal is to help others take a more scientific approach to paranormal investigations and research.
Heather Leigh is a member of the International Paranormal Bureau of Investigations and Research (IBPIR), The Warren Legacy Foundation (as an intake coordinator) and ParaNexus Anomalous Research Association. She is the founder of Exploration Paranormal, a research group in Southern Nevada dedicated to using scientific methods to investigate and research the paranormal. She is an author of articles and books, as well as a lecturer, about all things paranormal. She is an educator with Ghost Education 101 and content contributor for the Real Paranormal Magazine UK. She is a co-host and content contributor for Touch of Magick, a podcast about magick and the paranormal, and teaches classes through iMystic University. In addition, she was interviewed by TeleMundo Las Vegas (October 2020) and was a writer for Examiner.com (2008-2016) as the Treasure Coast Paranormal Examiner. She can also be seen in the upcoming documentary Real Haunts: Ghost Towns (released in early 2021).