Father John Claypool
Father John Claypool was born Robert John Claypool, in Los Angeles California, to an Orthodox Christian family of Palestinian descent. He earned a degree in theology and law at Pepperdine University, and worked in law enforcement and international security from 1975 until 1994, primarily in the Middle East and Africa. He is an expert in Orthodox Canon Law, and worked with Dr. Walter Martin as a consultant and assistant researcher at the Christian Research Institute from the years 1986 to 1989. He served for many years in the Orthodox Church, and in 1998 was ordained to the Priesthood in Jerusalem by His Holiness Patriarch DIODOROS.
Father John Claypool is now an Arch Priest under the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and the Secretary Pro-Tem to His Holiness IRINAEOS, the true Patriarch of Jerusalem. Fr. John’s continued refusal to recognize the illegitimate Patriarch has brought him in direct opposition to those who support the current Patriarchate. As a result of his refusal to stand down, Fr. John has suffered ostracism and persecution, losing his own parish in 2008. Nevertheless, he remains an unwavering witness to the truth.