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Fernanda Paiva        


My passion for astrology started very early when I was about 8 years old and for this reason, amongst other reasons, I like to think that this subject picked me rather than I did.

I am originally from Brazil, where I graduated in History before moving to the Uk in 2008. Since then, I did Reiki level one and two at the London Reiki Academy in 2011, got my certificate with distinction at the London School of Astrology in early 2015, did a level one course on Bach flower remedies in Bath in 2017 and I am currently on the second year of the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Education and personal development are of paramount importance to me, and in my work, the client’s growth and well-being is always my priority. I like to interpret and use astrology as a way of brainstorming and expanding meaning and enhancing empowerment rather than giving stifled interpretations that, in my view, would limit and potentially have a negative connotation only.

I am very fond of psychological astrology and its premise that says that what happens within finds its way and manifests without as well , and in special the idea that free will comes only through expanding consciousness. The more we know ourselves the more able to choose how to interact with others and life’s situations rather than being unconsciously reactive.

Astrology, in my experience, is invariably a precious tool for enhancing consciousness and can also be used as a symbolic navigator that enables people to become more aware of their growth and the development of their individuality in relation to time.

Some of my work has been published by Flare UK, the Astrological Journal, and Vice Brazil, and in 2020 I will be giving my first talk at the Astrological Association of Great Britain’s Conference . I have given private lessons and small lectures on astrology around the Uk and have been seen clients since 2014.

Many of the odd jobs that I have done throughout the years have helped me developing my understanding and relationship with others; a Vipassana retreat in 2017 and an intensive Yoga course in Thailand in 2016 are also part of my personal journey and are embedded in my astrological work as well.

The name hitchhiking stars came from a hitchhiking trip I did in Europe for three months around the time I started blogging!



Date: September 20, 2020


Date: June 28, 2020


