Gary Mannion 
Gary is English, in his early 30s, and based in the London area. He is one of the gifted Indigo children who are now of the physical age where they are able to step forward and to take their rightful places as spiritual and healing teachers and leaders.
Gary’s healing story started when he attended a spiritualist Church where he made contact with his Spirit Guide Abraham for the first time. As Gary’s psychic abilities subsequently opened up, his relationship with Abraham developed and Gary made a commitment to Abraham that he would spend his life engaged in spiritual and healing work. In return, Abraham committed to work with Gary to give healing to people.
The healing is facilitated by the channelling of energy through Gary and by Gary allowing Abraham to work through him. The predominant form of healing undertaken by the partnership is psychic surgery. This is a form of non-invasive pain free surgery in which Abraham directs Gary's hands to areas where healing is needed. Although there is no cutting of the skin, many clients experience the extension of Gary’s energy field into their physical body by way of ‘energy’ hands with Abraham manipulating body material under the skin through these hands. The main approach of this form of psychic surgery is to help the body to heal itself on all levels by bypassing the negative programming which tells it that it should be ill and instead to tell the body what it needs to do in order to get better. As well as for physical problems this form of healing can be used for anything the client may need whether it be emotional, mental, allergies, karmic or even just for some relaxation.
Gary also works to help people in other ways. As a clairvoyant, he can provide support through psychic readings. Where appropriate, he will work with hypnotherapy techniques to facilitate change in behavioural patterns. As an indigo child himself, he has experience of the difficulties indigo children face down here and uses this to help indigo children through counselling.