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image: Fountains of Bellagio

James Rink      


James Rink is a meditation practitioner, researcher, author, and video producer. Through his Super Soldier Talk video series he has helped awaken humanity to the secret activities of the covert government. Uncovering topics such brainwashing, trauma, milabs (which stands for military abductions), and covert harassment; all of which he has had to endure his entire life as a product of Project Surrogate and Ultra MK Milab Super Soldier experimentation. His book Lone Wolf chronicles these projects.

He has also produced Change is on the Horizon which is a three hour video documentary covering a variety of topics delving into banking, finance, constitutional law and NESARA – which is the National Economic Security and Reformation Act.

He spends his time perfecting the “Neo Meditation Device” which is a chi energizer that helps users relax during meditation so that they can integrate themselves. He is also the lead visionary behind Pantasia a health and wellness based holographic theme park. Listen in as James shares how he has been able to work around the programming and trauma he has been forced to endure and help others do the same.



Date: December 31, 2022


Date: December 14, 2019


Date: August 13, 2016
