Jason Gleaves

Born in 1969 in Liverpool, UK, Jason Gleaves combined his experience in the RAF and career in engineering for Shell Oils to contribute over the last 10 years on numerous UFO pages and media. He has carried out Photographic/image/video-footage analysis on UFO’s and associated anomalies for many Ufologists within our community worldwide, using the latest updated imagery/computer science technology and software available.
Author of his new book, "The Ufology Umbrella," Gleaves follows up from his first book, "UFO PHOTO," and subjectively opens up the topic of Close Encounters and the sub-categories entailed within. Ufologist and Ex-Royal Air Force Jason Gleaves reveals these fascinating categories from initial UFO Sightings to actual Extraterrestrial contact also known as CE’s one through seven, plus explaining the often unrecognized subjects that accompany, such as possible advanced space flight methods.
Both books "UFO Photo" and "The Ufology Umbrella" are available on Amazon and Flying Disk Press through Philip Mantle.