Jenny Mannion

I am passionate about helping my clients discover their unlimited potential and power. I am an energetic catalyst for fast change with the tools and experience I bring and offer. I help people release what does not serve them on all levels; body, mind and spirit to connect to the best version of themselves. I have learned how to help empower people, catalyze “A-HA” moments and show people healing and living their best life can in fact be easier than they ever imagined. My passion for the possibilities of healing has led to me writing over 300 articles, to me becoming an alternative healing practitioner, for my first book “A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform Your Life” published by Llewellyn Publishing on January 8, 2016 and to my first PBS TV appearance speaking on Wellness.
In healing myself of several chronic illnesses and diseases as well as chronic pain my life shifted and my spiritual journey began. I suddenly knew at my core things were not as I had been told. I had been to many doctors over 7 years and all of them said I would not be getting better and in fact would most likely be in a wheelchair. Yet in 3 short weeks I had healed myself of all of my symptoms. I was intrigued and knew there was a whole lot more I did not know or understand about how I was suddenly well. I also had such an urge to scream from the rooftops to all the diseases support groups and doctors I had been to, “Yes! It is possible to heal from these diseases”.
My wanting to share led to my diving in to learn all I could and writing my book and articles. If I was going to learn about this I wanted to learn and study every day if I could. I began to study about personal development and alternative healing techniques. I already had a BA in Psychology from Pennsylvania State University but continue to read non-stop to learn and began to take many classes and certification courses. Some of which include:
•Reconnective Healing, Levels I, II and III with Dr. Eric Pearl
•Akashic Record Reading/Clearing Soul ReAlignment, Levels I and II and Akashic Record Reading for Businesses with Andrrea Hess
•Law of Attraction Certified Advanced Instructor with Dr. Vitale and Dr. Jones
•Ho’oponopono Advanced Practitioner Training with Dr. Len & Dr. Vitale
•Basic Shamanic Training with Dr. Alberto Villoldo
•Advanced Meditation and Mindfulness Training (Several trainings and teachers)
What does my life look like since healing myself? Well, I am a mom of 2 wonderful teenagers who I am close with. I was in a belly dance troupe for a few years (after being told I would never dance again). I have an alternative healing/coaching practice that keeps me busy, in awe and excited. I have had many “terminally ill” clients with cancer that wind up healing. I see what some would call “miracles” very often and am always in awe and honored to do the work I do. My first book “A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform Your Life” was published, January 8, 2016 by Llewellyn Publishing. I have been on PBS, am a contributing blogger for The Huffington Post and run a monthly Full Moon Distance Healing Circle at the Online Healing Space: AtoZ Healing Space. I met someone who I consider “the man of my dreams” and am loving our life as it gets better and better after over five years together. I enjoy life and am excited for all it continues to offer me.
I was ill and know what it was like to feel like I had nothing but limitations ahead of me. I have been depressed and felt like life had to offer more but had no idea how to access it. I know this is not the way we are meant to live. We are meant to live a life full of joy, empowerment, happiness, health and awe. It would be an honor to help you discover that in yourself. I believe in quick and fast tools for healing and supporting you as you take this life changing step to create the life of your dreams. You can download lots of free gifts including the first chapter of my book by subscribing above. Please visit my testimonials page and services page and feel free to contact me via email: or by phone 607-437-7867 to set up an appointment.