Joe Marko 
I was born in Lebanon county. My paternal grandma came from a long line of pow-wow healers. I am a recovering catholic. My magic/energy work started in science class. I was impressed by anything energy and energy transfer. I was given my first training by the neighborhood old "witch" who showed me the darker reaches of magic. She taught me what she said were the ways to worship from before man needed to be told how to worship. She taught me for several next teacher was a Shoshone spirit man, the grandfather of my best friend. His teaching triggered my need to study beliefs and energy work. I have studied hundreds of beliefs. I have been a minister to pagans and others since 1988. I have been Wiccan. I am a high priest but I find fundamentalism and hierarchy destroy the reason to have a belief... and it instills separation and hate, so I no longer follow Wicca but I will teach it to anyone with the understanding it is a step not the journey . My present path is striving to link all beliefs.