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John Stormm  


John Stormm, America's First Super Soldier, Inducted shortly after his birth on July 31, 1953. He was literally inducted into the program at its beginnings, from birth. He was taken into the MK -Ultra, Monarch Program, Anaheim, CA between 1957-1959. He was instructor of martial arts master instructor, official military training in: Nidan- Mas Oyamas karate, Shidoshi- Togakure Ninjutsu, Master- Chinese kenpo, also Trainer for MK Ultra assassins 1972-1977 mostly. Unofficial he was an Assassin/spy/trainer.

He was in Project Talent, Project Search, which, were about ESP and Remote Viewing in the mid to late 1960s, and early 70s), His Special Abilities, powers, evolved mind/body technique: Musculo-skeletal strength enhanced, speed enhanced, eidetic memory, I.Q.= 160+, remote viewer, dominant mind characteristics, enhanced healing ability.

John says “NOBODY EVER came to rescue ANY of us when I was a boy in this nightmare. “You will NOT find my military or birth records, or school records and a great many things that will not name me outright.” I have dates, times, places, people and events and descriptions of all of those things that are the ONLY proofs, besides the X-rays and MRIs of very REAL hardware in me. But I remember every doctor, clinic and facility that I've been to and can find that each of them has documented CIA and MKULTRA connections. I've seen things worse than death.



I've been wanting to write this for sometime now about the most ancient orgins of witchery. I understand that it only seems relevant in the context of all of the ancient wyrding families and there's not mnay among the general populace that are even allowed much knowledge of these things, or have enough interest to pursue them as a study. The excerpt below, from the Book of Enoch, among others of this type is a great starting point to trace a number of common facts about these ancient elite clans today and even to school the paranormally talented amoung the general massess as to how they came by such "humanly impossible" genetic traits. I intend to show you that this ancient dusty tome of knowledge is indeed very relevant to many of you and why the powers-that-be in this present darkness fear y ou finding out all this and what they have done for ages to keep you all disconnected from your own true powers. As I am of such a lineage myself and trained in the craft from a child: I say none of this lightly.

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Date: October 2, 2021


Date: September 25, 2021


Date: January 22, 2021
