Judy K. Martene

Judy is an Intuitive Channel - Healer -Mentor/Coach and has developed her own highly tuned insight for the past 25 years which has gained her worldwide recognition, impacting lives around the globe.
She is a huge catalyst providing powerful transformational insights for her clients. She teaches individuals and businesses how to use their untapped intuitive abilities to change their lives and grow their companies into prosperity. She is empathetic, energetic, intuitive, expansive, passionate and a ’no' bullshit facilitator. As others say, “if you want the truth, talk to Judy.”
Judy has years of intuitive consulting experience and is currently working towards her Doctorate in Metaphysical Sciences and Counseling. She is a Holistic Practitioner and has many diplomas in Human Growth and Behaviour, Nutrition, Mental Health Well-Being, Mindfulness and Theta Healing Certification. ThetaHealing® Practitioner