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Kevin James Briggs  


Kevin J Briggs is an author and specializes in consciousness and the connection to ET/UFOs. His recently published book is titled “Spiritual Consciousness A Personal Journey” and covers 57 years of his experiences of ET contact and UFO connections. Kevin speaks to many groups of UFO and ET enthusiasts. They are always eager to hear of his interactions, he always receives a warm reception. Kevin has written articles which have been published in the Truth Magazine. His published book was also mentioned in Psychic News (UK) in their editor’s good read section. He has also written an article about his ET experiences which have been published in The New Observations magazine. Kevin has also appeared on local radio stations and recently filmed for a TV show “Unlocking Your Limitless Life” hosted by Susan Shatzer and produced by Robin C Adams. Kevin was also a keynote speaker, in Miami at the FREE “Consciousness & Contact Experiencer Conference”, hosted by The Edgar Mitchell “Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and extraordinary Experiences”. Kevin was a speaker at the Consciousness and Contact Conference held in July 2019 at The Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Kevin has also a guest on Whitley Strieber radio show, Unknown Country. The Karen Swain Show from Australia. The Kevin Moore Show UK .Kevin also appeared on Melisa Kennedy’s TV show The UFO Women, filmed locally in Florida. Kevin is a co-author with Melissa Kennedy and Edgar Yohe of the recently published book “Tap into Universal Energy” Understanding cosmic energy and consciousness.



BMK Publishing is proud to offer Spiritual Consciousness as a nonfiction book. It is a journey of one person from a young boy to adulthood, experiencing many aspects of life and life beyond death. It encompasses family, friends, happiness, and heartache. This book is not about thrills and spills of fiction. It is one persons life, with the usual daily routines intersected with his extracurricular experiences. It is these experiences that he encounters that are important. They are experiences that many people dont have, but if you do, then dont be fearful. Embrace them and learn. Many children have such experiences, and in some cases, their parents dont know how to handle it. They think their child is abnormal. They are not; they require guidance and understanding. This personal journey of Kevins shows the path he encountered. Kevins guide leads him elsewhereinto a different life. Do we really know the world in which we live? What is beyond? Kevins fascinating journey leads him within this world and into the next. There were many questions for him, and many are without answers. Kevin is undoubtedly in the present, but what about his past life, his future life, and his companions on his journey, a journey that he continues to explore? The unexplainable is explained. How do we know we are conscious? Some people never achieve knowing about consciousness. Some people find it hard to understand and believe. This book is for people who are curious, or perhaps they themselves have had an experience that they cannot explain and dont know where to turn. You are not alone.

Buy it now Click Here




Date: December 3, 2022




