Lisa M. Harrison

Lisa M. Harrison began her online career in 2009 interviewing individuals on the subjects of ascension, 2012, spirituality, natural healing, geo politics, black projects and our secret history among others.
Interviewees include: David Icke, Andrew Basiago (US Presidential Candidate 2016), John Lamb Lash, Dr Bruce Lipton, Max Ian, Michael Tsarion and many more.
Lisa has spent most of her life on her own personal spiritual journey over which time she has had many breakthroughs, insights and experiences that have led her to a greater understanding of the nature of our reality. Lisa came to the conclusion that we are living in a holographic virtual reality.
In 2016 something remarkable happened. A being from outside this reality made contact with Lisa, a being she subsequently named Leeloo after the character in the 5th Element Movie.
Leeloo confirmed many of these understandings about our reality but also provided much more information about our History, current situation and potential future.
Lisa’s relationship with leeloo and others from ‘Home’ is ongoing.