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Marilynn Hughes        


Marilynn Hughes founded 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation' in 2003 (Mission - Reduce Spiritual and Physical Hunger Worldwide). Marilynn has written 75+ books, 40 magazines and around 15 CD's on Out-of-Body Travel and Comparative Religious Mysticism. These books, along with accompanying music and art, are all available for free download. Marilynn has experienced, researched, written and taught about Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism since 1987 and has appeared on innumerable radio and television programs to discuss her thousands of out-of-body experiences. She has studied the Ancient Sacred Texts of all Major and Minor World Religions extensively, as well as, Catholic Mystical, Ascetical, Doctrinal, Dogmatic, Liturgical, Catechetical and Moral Theology.

'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation's Marilynn Hughes is featured in the documentary film 'The Road to Armageddon' which was released in the Fall of 2012 and has been included in 'The Encyclopedia of the Unseen World,' (By Constance Heidari, Red Wheel Weiser) in 2009 and 'Extra-Planetary Experiences: Alien Human Contact and the Expansion of Consciousness,' by Dr. Thomas Streicher in 2012. Marilynn was invited to speak at the 2012 International Institute of Integral Human Sciences Conference (UNITED NATIONS NGO) and the 2014 London Conference for Consciousness and Human Evolution (who choose nine top Global Scientists, Humanitarians and Mystics) to speak about their work. Marilynn has been the object of a Scientific Study on Out-of-Body Experiences and was a subject in several other Research Studies. Dr. Rudy Schild, Professor Emeritus Astrophysics Harvard and Editor of the Journal of Cosmology, and Marilynn Hughes have co-authored a chapter ('The Science for Moral Law) which is included in Volume III of 'The Change,' by Jim Britt and Jim Lutes. Marilynn has joined James Van Praagh and the research team at 'The Afterlife Uncovered' which hopes to produce a documentary and subsequent television series.

Although a devout Catholic and loyal to the teaching authority of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation's' Marilynn Hughes has received certifications and education in interfaith fields for the purpose of serving all of our brothers and sisters in the Lord. (Honorary Doctorate in Divinity and Metaphysics, Certification as Chaplain, Spiritual Counselor and Interfaith Ministry)

Marilynn came across her vocation unexpectedly. When she was nine years old, she had her first profound vision wherein she saw the heavens open and a beautiful marble staircase surrounded by angels led to the throne of God. In this experience, she was told many things, among them that He would return to her later in her life and give her a mission. When she was 22 years old, she had her first out-of-body experience completely unexpectedly which began a process of journaling which would unleash thousands of out-of-body travel and mystical experiences over the next decades which began and led the process which changed her life, her career and her focus for the rest of her life.



Dialogues with a Mystic: An Apocalyptic Discourse - “I, somehow, knowingly began to mold a new man out of the dirt. It was important to only choose the fertile soul and disregard the dead matter. As I finished the full size figure, he suddenly came to life. I noticed he was wearing a new pair of brown, leather moccasins. As he could not yet travel on his own, I grabbed his feet and two other men in our group picked him up by his shoulders, as he was not able to walk yet in his new spiritual body. The new man looked at me, smiled and said, “Marilynn is going up the mountain.” Then I recognized the new man as someone who Marilynn had been given intensive spiritual counseling. We were part of a large group that were being led by Marilynn to climb the mountain, our spiritual destiny.” A Traveler The Dialogues with a Mystic Series is a conversation between, Mystic, Marilynn Hughes, and a spiritual counseling client who agreed to participate in this open dialogue so that others might benefit from it. But it becomes so much more as the journey enters into an unexpected and harrowing apocalyptic journey into the predilections of the ‘end times.’ The conversation yields practical guidance and understanding heralded by the Lord, and practical advice into the out of body travel journey and the apocalyptic journey that faces mankind and each individual soul today, tomorrow and always. This 55 year old client proves that no matter what stage of life you are in it is never too late or too difficult to embark upon the adventure of a lifetime and open the door to the spirit. A profound out of body adventure awaits. Take it.

Buy it now Click Here




THE CHRIST OF THE REDEMPTION: The Leg, the Balance, the Weight and the Volume, The Mechanics of Spiritual Warfare and Energetic Alteration – As a soul meanders through the spiritual life, it is inevitable that periods of persecution will come into their perimeter. This tome engages the reader to understand the mechanism by which such spiritual warfare is confronted by the heavenly powers, within the soul and without, and how the alteration of the intrinsic matter must occur in order to have a lasting peace. ‘The Christ of the Redemption’ is an experiential commentary on the works of Jacob Boehme and history’s first Mystical Theologian Dionysius describing the mechanism by which God brings transformation from heaven to earth within the soul of humankind. Vicariously, the reader will then follow the road to the Flower Garland Sutra of Mahayana Buddhism. And as you follow this path, their words become ever more clear and understandable and the mechanism becomes a tangible through-way that the seeker can follow when moving through the dangerous world where spiritual warfare has entered into the physical realm and energetic alteration is the only avenue of transcendence. This book will teach you how to move properly through the warfare and into the peace that transcends all understanding; even when others are not walking the same path.

Buy it now Click Here




Date: September 1, 2020


Date: June 2, 2020


Date: May 12, 2020
