Michael C. DeSchalit

Michael DeSchalit started his performance career as a trumpet player in elementary school which led to him playing in marching, concert and jazz band all through high school and then ultimately landed him a full ride scholarship for college. But, it didn't stop there. Having been bitten by the performance bug, Michael searched for other ways to entertain and eventually found magic and hypnosis.
Now he is an Internationally Multi-Award Winning Magician and Hypnotist with a career that spans almost three decades. As a magician, Michael has been awarded the coveted "Close-Up", "Parlor" and "Stage" Magician of of the years awards, multiple times each, by the Society of American Magicians. As a Hypnotist, he was awarded the "Hypnotism Achievement Award" and "Hypnotist of the Year", which ranks him in the top hundred hypnotists worldwide.
Michael has performed his comedy magic and hypnosis shows at some of the most prestigious venues such as The World Famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California, multiple casinos and resorts worldwide and most recently has taken up residency as a headliner in not one, but two Las Vegas Shows, "House of Magic" and "Hypnomania". In addition to being a resident headliner in these shows, he stills tours throughout the year performing at Conventions, Corporate Functions, Schools, Colleges and Private Events.
Michael's shows are action packed and filled with side-splitting humor and a touch of sarcasm that will put a smile on your face and a pain in your side from laughing so much.