Mona Delfino

Shaman | Energy Medicine Practitioner
Mona Delfino is an author and world renowned Energy Medicine Practitioner of 40 years. She was born a Shaman, learning her calling and helping people and animals heal from a very early age. Mona is well-versed in Spirituality and Quantum Healing, teaching the Art of Alchemy: as within, so without. She has an extensive background of reading her clients from afar as well as seeing them in person; Energy has no bounds. Her effective and deliberate work has helped heal thousands over the years, as well as working for the Earth. When feeling called, she responds and does ceremony to release memory from gridlines throughout the world for energetic cleansing.
Mona offers individual healing sessions that are done over Skype, phone, and sometimes in person. She also holds spiritual retreats that are timely and relevant for all who attend. Current topics include the Spiritual Immune System, the Energetic Membrane and the Sacred Language of the Human Body.
"I saw first hand how the medical profession was non-productive to real health. I became a massage therapist in 1991, which turned into the most amazing Medical Intuition and Vibrational Healing practice. Being trained professionally in sound healing from Dr. Jeffery Thompson, I learned that sound was predominant in growing cartilage, as well as regaining cellular structure back alive in the body. Energy has no boundaries, and we have explored enough to 'fine tune' healing at it’s utmost benefit to each individual. I teach, hold workshops, and hope to promote energy healing in this world as the 'medicine' necessary for ALL forms of healing to occur. Drugs are non-productive for healing, and the body speaks. My book The Sacred Language of the Human Body explains much more. It covers the Indigenous to the Quantum, explains how the body speaks, and much, much more." ~Mona