Paul Ascough 
Paul Ascough has lived in Yorkshire all his life and investigated the phenomenon of UFOs and the paranormal for over 50 years. To give the reader a little more of my professional background, I have been in the medical field all my working life. I left school and attended college as a Nurse Cadet with my SRN training, then an Occupational Nurse for the National Coal Board, followed by being a British Army medic. Finally my last employment was as a Paramedic in ‘God’s own country’ of Yorkshire until my recent retirement. I joined the British Army as an infantry medic, rising to the dizzy heights of Staff Sergeant and seeing service in many countries, both as a regular soldier and in the Territorial Army. Paul Ascough is a former paramedic in both the NHS and the British Army. He has been involved in UFO research for over 50 years.