Paul Quinton

Paul Quinton has been involved in the esoteric all his life, growing up in a family who acknowledged and worked with the unseen world. This has given him the foundation to express his soul’s path uninterrupted; the path is to align humans with their souls and the spirit world. To anchor and ground consciousness within humanity and to bring this knowledge easily and digestible to a chaotic world full of misinformation.
Paul is a teacher of transformation and esoteric knowledge, a healer, teacher, channel, and writer. He practices out of London; working internationally on skype and has worked with celebrities. He has been flown to many countries as a healer and mentor; teaching internationally through his workshops. Being trained in numerous healing modalities has helped him in his work. However, his greatest teacher has been Spirit.
They have provided him priceless information, knowledge, and awareness of the world we live in. One of his greatest gifts is being able to channel, speaking with spirit through his own soul, through this ‘downloading’ process he has learnt much of what he teaches.
Paul has worked with more than a thousand people worldwide. He has written articles for mainstream magazines. He has spoken on weekly radio slots in America and at Mind Body Spirit events in London, United Kingdom. He is currently hosting workshops for the new modality of Consciousness, 'Alignment Modality' which Spirit have asked him to teach.