Rebecca Rose
Rebecca Rose is multi-dimensional galactic experiencer working as an energy intuitive, seer and channel on planet Earth.
As a lifelong abductee, she was taken to work in dark government programs as a child, a path that was facilitated by her father's top-secret military clearance. Through abduction and trauma-based mind control, she was used in hybrid experiments, off-world battle testing, genetic harvest, and as a mind-to-mind interface gathering intel from various extra-terrestrial races. She was also enslaved as a spy to investigate future probabilities, parallel timelines and to explore the past.
Rebecca's strong meditation practice and devotion to spiritual development are what supported the return of her memory and putting the pieces of her life back together. After awakening to her deeper mission, intuitive abilities and psychic vision, Rebecca also realized she had a vast array of helpers from many different realms assisting her.
To this day, Rebecca relates to galactic family from other races and includes an indigenous mother and father from a past life in her healing team.
Her memory fragments became much more coherent after her father's death in early 2020. After years of silence and living a life in the shadows, Rebecca began speaking more openly about her hidden history in May of 2020.