Renee Coltson 
Renée Coltson founded Partnership in Planetary Healing in 1996. “PIPH” is a 501c3 humanitarian entity dedicated to raising awareness and uplifting consciousness relative to Earth and her inhabitants. Individually and collectively all life on Earth is in a vibrational evolutionary process. There is potential for balance, peace, and harmony. Balance, in way or another, is inevitable.
Renée has experienced many mystical experiences that continuously expand her spiritual relationship with nature. She teaches through the foundation of her philosophy and sustainable knowledge that all life is sentient, interconnected, and interdependent. This evening, Renée will relay a message from the flora and fauna of Earth’s biosphere about how they long to connect more deeply and profoundly with humans; and what could result from a healthier relationship with nature.
She will share how profound it can be when you recognize and implement the consciousness of being in partnership with the planet, with nature, and The Field. “The Field” is infinite intelligence and energy from which all things proceed; it’s a vast sea of energy with which we are constantly interacting and are interconnected thru it.
Renée is a natural healer, adept in metaphysics, and an inspiring teacher geared for spiritual development. Her successful and compassionate-driven career in the healing arts earned her international recognition as an animal expert, and a maven of animal healing, Renee offers distance healing sessions.