Rich Hoffman

Rich Hoffman is a 25+ year Army Information Technology (IT) defense contractor with By Light IT Professional Services. He is a Senior Lead Architect working in the US Army Materiel Command Head Quarters at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama helping to shape the future directions of systems, networks and application hosting arrangements used within the Army.
For the past 56 years, since his eighth grade science class and timed with the Lonnie Zamora sighting on 24 April 1964, Rich has been pursuing his primary interest in investigating, researching and lecturing on the subject of UFOs. He even had the opportunity to lecture to the Air Force on the subject at Wright Patterson, AFB.
In June 2017, Rich left his position as MUFON Director, Strategic Projects, and Alabama State Director along with other positions within MUFON. He is still a Benefactor and as such is a lifetime subscribing only member. Currently, he is supporting a newly formed group called the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), a coalition of like-minded serious and dedicated scientists and professionals who want to solve the phenomena using scientific methodologies and leverage current technologies to do so.
He is also a member of a team of scientists and engineers working in UFOData, a project within CUFOS. This project seeks to develop a mobile technology platform into hotspot areas that would serve to collect critical data via cameras, sensors, tracking equipment and much more.