Rob Gutro

Rob Gutro is an Author, Paranormal Investigator as well as a Medium.
Rob Gutro is an author, paranormal investigator and medium with Inspired Ghost Tracking of Maryland. He's become known as a pet medium, although he communicates with pets and people who have passed. Since he was a child, he could receive messages from earthbound ghosts or spirits who have crossed over.
Rob has three different series of books:
1) Pets and the Afterlife - that includes Pets and the Afterlife 1, 2 and 3. These teach how pets communicate from the afterlife and provide examples. His book "Pets and the Afterlife 3: Dog Spirit Signs," was recognized as one of the best books on grief and loss by Book Authority, and it debuted on Amazon at #1 in the Pet loss category.
2) Ghosts on a Medium's Vacation - that includes Ghosts of England and Ghosts of the Bird Cage Theatre. Meet the ghosts Rob encountered and learn history of places he visited.
3) Ghosts and Spirits - that include: "Ghosts and Spirits: Explained," "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead," "Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit," and "Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking." From paranormal investigations to haunted places and spirits of loved ones who have communicated and proven their existence from beyond the grave.
As a scientist, he also provides some scientific explanations about how energy is the baseline for the afterlife and the medium that entities use to communicate.