Robert Potter
Rob is a world-renowned, real physical contactee of the Venusians and the Pleiadeans. He shares his knowledge freely about travelers from these worlds. He has been having actual physical encounters with our space family since he was 17.
He has given seminars all over the world including Egypt, Japan, Australia, Bolivia, Peru, Canada, China, Europe, and the USA. He has also appeared on numerous radio and TV shows and been interviewed in countless magazines and newspaper articles for over 45 years.
Rob has just recently on Nov. 22nd,2019, met the Venusian Commander Aura Rhanes. Rob can share how this natural meeting took place in a public place. He is happy to be able to speak about the messages of love and peace that they told Rob to give to the world.
In this first-ever exclusive official Venusian message and contact, he is allowed to share with the public is a simple message.
The 8 questions that he asked were answered and recorded with a digital camera. This was an arranged interview of answers from a female Venusian spaceship commander acting as a Venusian emissary. The answers are elegant and are very beautiful messages in and of themselves.
His friend and fellow contactee Raymond Keller helped arrange this very real meeting and encounter. In the message we will receive directly from Rob will give The Venusian Hierarchy of Light has a message of love & hope for the people of earth.
He has a website called: Rob leads sacred site tours to South America, Bolivia and Peru and Egypt and Hawaii to name a few. Please check the website for upcoming tour dates in 2020 to Machu Picchu and Bolivia.
Rob is working very closely with Venusians and he says their philosophies and technological advancement can surely serve to enlighten earth towards an era of peace and prosperity for all.
Rob's personal face-to-face contacts are increasing and have given him much new and relevant information to share with the world.
Rob says to heal our world and create peace we should emancipate our minds and free ourselves from tyranny to be able embody equality justice liberty and fraternity in our societies. Can we grasp the reality of what is happening? Can we accept the message and act on the wisdom offered to us by our solar brothers and sisters from Venus?
Rob is seeking speaking engagements and shares the latest developments and plans for the liberation of the planet from The Interdimensional Galactic Confederation of Light and the Ascended Masters. Rob may also answer as many questions as possible related to the individual and planetary “Ascension” process.
“ We the ground crew and lightworkers of the world must unite and play our part in the awakening of humanity. Our efforts can hasten the day of liberation and ease the earth through the process of birth into a new and exciting day. If we selflessly work together, we will end war, hunger, and the universal discord and anxiety that plagues our beautiful planet.
Love, peace, and prosperity for all is part of this divine plan and if we choose can take part in this planetary transformation that is now in process.