Robyn Nelson

My name is Robyn Nelson and spirituality is my passion “I Am a psychic, medium, energy healer” who reads cards as guided by the angelic realm, “I Am a spiritual artist” who when creating my art tunes into the combined consciousness as guided by spirit, many of my works have been predictory and act as portholes of healing for those that receive these gifts. I can commune with nature, animals and those who cannot speak for themselves. My evolution on this journey has been guided by spirit, books literally throwing themselves off the shelves at me, synchronistic meetings with those who could validate what it was I was experiencing and or wonderful teachers along the way, by the way there are NO COINSIDENCES, as we choose it all before we incarnate for soul growth. This earth is the planet where we experience lessons of the heart and emotion. Each planet affords its own unique element further evolving our soul, thus the ONE. I spent many years clearing past lives for myself and others and do this as requested by spirit for those needing to release and move on in my healing sessions. I have been doing this work consciously for half my life, at the age of 32 I began to do exorcism work with a powerful teacher and spent many years doing group distant healings at the request of spirit. I opened my own reading room only 2yrs ago but at that time had been doing readings and healing work for over 20yrs free as directed by god [I don’t follow a specific religion parse but that is the term I use for our creator, he could be an alien on a spaceship for all we know]. I am given many situations via the dream state: past life scenarios, future scenarios, catch up’s with passed loved ones, angels and guides, and or healing work can be done in this state. Some have said the dream state is REAL and the waking state is the DREAM. Regarding the perceived past, present and future it has been said that they are all working parallel simultaneously which makes sense for those interested in time travel. So A BIG YES TO: Angels, Guides, Reincarnation, Time travel, Aliens, Earth bound spirits, Demons & Negative Entities, Spiritual wars we know nothing about the Power of Prayer – INTENTION IS EVERYTHING. One thing I have learned is THE SPIRIT WORLD HAS A GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR which is given by the angels as a gift to help us wade through this dense energy.