Shane Sirois

Shane Sirios has been investigating homes for over 25 years. He has helped thousands of households and other investigators when they get stuck or afflicted too. Sirois' original theories and process of identifying trends within investigations combined with his sensitivity and mechanical aptitude has allowed discoveries that you won’t hear about from any other investigator. Sirios captivates audiences with his very intelligent and well thought out ideas of what a haunt really is.
“A ghost is a spirit” is not the only explanation you will hear from him. Shane realizes that every occurrence has an equation and is comprised of several elements. The interaction is possible because of those elements and he is the closest to cracking the code. No more empty, foundationless explanations. That doesn’t work with Sirois.
Shane Sirois has been featured on New England’s number one morning radio show, Greg & the Morning Buzz, since 2003 and has been a frequent guest ever since. His most recent appearance was in late 2009 with his personal review of the movie, “Paranormal Activity.” He has also been featured on many other FM radio shows and worldwide simulcasts and is known around the globe. Shane has graced the cover of many newspapers and magazines. He has also been on television shows as an expert in the field. You can read about some of his investigations in Paul F. Eno’s book, “Footsteps in the Attic.”