Steve Mera

I first became interested in the subject of UFOs and the Paranormal at an early age and after leaving secondary school I studied at both South and North Trafford Colleges in the UK along with GEC Electrical for over 10 years and obtained a Degree in Electrical Engineering. During this time I began conducting research which lead to numerous investigations which I carried out on my own, until opening Cheshire UFO Group. In the early 90's I worked in Essex for NATO - (RAF Weatherfield) as a Telecommunications Specialist. After which I took over the running of MAPIT: (Manchester Aerial Phenomena Investigation Team) formally run by David Reese. I also joined BUFORA; (British UFO Research Association) and became a Regional Investigative Co-ordinator and Tutor.
During the mid 90's I started writing the BITC: (British Investigators Training Course) in Anomalous Phenomena which today is the most recognised subject related course of its kind internationally. I went on to complete my Pre-Degree in Psychology at South Trafford College and in early 1996 sat the 7370 Teachers Course and went onto tutor at Sale Grammar School in Cheshire, UK. I have conducted many science lectures at schools, colleges and universities around the UK. During the latter part of 1996 I reformed MAPIT and also assisted in the launch of MARA; (Merseyside Anomalies Research Association) and NUFORA; (The National UFO Research Association) and numerous other organisations. I was also a member and investigator with NARO; (Northern Anomalies Research Organisation) ran by authors Peter Hough & Jenny Randles. In 1997 I constructed and launched SEP: (The Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology) situated in Manchester UK.
In 1998 I completed the BSY Parapsychology Course and in later years sat a Forensic Parapsychology Course followed by the Paranormal Investigation Course with the Unifaculty of London Institute of Forensic Parapsychology. I have assisted, presented and hosted of over 100 TV Shows and I'm a regular featured guest on international radio. I am an international lecturer and freelance journalist for a number of magazines and newspapers and has had several publications of my own.
As you may know, I am the CEO and owner of Phenomena Magazine, the world most recognized e-Zine of its kind, distributed in 12 countries and in 4 languages. I do continue to run the long standing organisation MAPIT (established in 1974). I went on to complete my Psychology Degree at Manchester University in 2003. I occasionally assists UK Universities in regards information and filming opportunities and I am a consultant for PSI Applications in the U.S. I hold a number of honorable membership positions with organisations and establishments internationally and was the official spokesman for the Hammer movie - The Quiet Ones, and a nominee at the Edinburgh Film Festival in 2008 for Wild X-Files. I've also acted as an official spokesman for the Fox TV series 'Outcast' and Onwinges Productions 'Travis' the movie and the UK Ambassador for 'The Other Land of the Gods documentary.
I am an executive producer of the 'Erich Von Daniken Legacy Night' BAFTA theatre London UK, The Mysterious Mummies of Peru and Honorary Advisor and Partner of Zohar Entertainment Group and host of Phenomena Project. Currently I am a director of Zohar Global Group and owner of Awakenings Conscious Life Expo, Manchester UK and working closely with author, researcher and TV personality Barry Fitzgerald on 'Project Doorway'.