Sue O'Brien

As far back as I can remember I used to dream. Sometimes I would dream of a few several scenarios and they would all happen the following day.
My visions always came in Dream state apart from the odd voice popping in when I needed advice on certain situations. I didn’t think to question it- my mum was a Medium so it was something that seemed normal to me.
Both my parents came from families of entertainers so at the age of nine I began a singing career and it was my main profession until I was forty five and then spirit began making changes to my life.
It all began, or quickened, with my sighting of a UFO in Spain whilst I was on holiday. It was midday and the sun was high in the sky there were no clouds a perfect hot summer afternoon. I was on a lounger by the pool, reading a book when I looked up to see, what looked like, a metallic oblong shape. At first I thought was a helium balloon as it had no sound, and seemed to float across the sky probably around 300 meters up above my head. It seemed to scan and move from left to right. This seemed to go on for ages but must have been only around two to three minutes. It was then I began to realise that this was very strange and that I could actually be seeing a craft of some kind. All of a sudden it took off at the speed of light, into the mountains in the opposite direction of our Villa.
After this event was when I began to hear the voices and see the visions a ‘it more clearly. I was then able to confidently pass on messages to the people in need.
I work with Archangel Michael and use Angel cards in my readings to give guidance and comfort. Angel Michael had been with me for some time but it wasn’t until I had a collision in my car that I discovered he was my Angel Guide. The lady driving the other car was also very spiritual and she told me that I should be working with him.
I was told by spirit to get business cards printed and to place them in my local beauty shop to begin with. From that day I began to get the odd booking here and there, but before I knew it I had to buy a diary as I was getting bookings for weeks in advance. I was mindful of my family life as my children were still in school at the time and my husband worked shifts so I fitted my reading times around them all - therefore it didn’t take long for me to get booked up due to the timings.
I then began to set up a Facebook page with the help of my friends which then bought in more people to read. The page is full of wonderful souls now that help each other. We currently have over 25k followers and we are growing every day thanks to Spirit. I have recently started up an Instagram page as well and my Website is currently being updated to include new information.
My husband has now retired and my children are now adults with their own jobs and lives. This has enabled me to become a full time Platform Medium and Angel Card Reader. We regularly host Medium evenings which have become very popular and I now work in a Beautiful Angel house at the bottom of my Garden in Kent.
I owe everything to my beautiful spirit friends, and I have been very blessed with the people I have come to know throughout my journey. I still have thoughts on who these beautiful beings of light might be ? I believe that they are from other dimensions and planets and have become my family, in order for me to send messages to people who are missing their loved ones.
What a wonderful gift, one I hope to treasure for the rest of my life in the body of Sue and hopefully for eternity!